Adding fabric backing to a hutch

1 Comment


Hey All,

Long time, no blog!

I’m getting back into a groove and have a ton to share.

I just finished a project that is super easy and a great way to personalize a big piece of furniture.

I got the idea to add fabric to the back of my beloved hutch when I saw this post on hi sugarplum!

Let me share the results with you and then I’ll tell you how to do it.


fabric backing in hutch

To do this you will need:

fabric (duh),

foam core (I got mine at the dollar store)

a ruler (or t square is even better)

an exacto blade

measuring tape

The first thing I did was measure and cut. I measured all my openings and jotted those down. Next, I took those measurements and created all the backing templates for each opening.


Next, use the exact to cut them. Be careful to put something underneath so you don’t scratch the surface you are working on.

I labeled all the pieces so I’d know where they go, this eliminated some guess work. I also fit the pieces before I started adding the fabric to make sure they were all a good fit.

Next, it was time to cut fabric. With a chevron fabric like mine, you want to make sure you cut and staple straight or it will look wonky.

PS- I’m not sure I love my fabric, but I’m keeping it ’til I find another I like better. All the hard work has been done, so it will be easy to switch out in the future.

I got sidetracked.

Where was I?

Oh yes, cut your fabric with at least an inch extra on all sides.

Place your fabric on top. make sure it’s straight.


Now start stapling down your first side. Then pull it tight (but not too tight, or the staples will come out) and staple the opposite side.

Do the same for the other two sides.


Corners are tricky but do-able.


All that’s left is to stuff these babies into the hutch and put all your pretty stuff back on the shelves!


What I like best about it is that you can’t really see it when the doors are shut. It just sort of peaks out just a little.



What do you think?

This would also looks really cool on bookshelves too. Google it. It’s everywhere!

So long friends!




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